Monday 4 July 2011

Nizzy's 2006 Crown Victoria P71

I was hoping to cnc a nice new fresh tune that came out lately but sadly nothing came into my mind , nothing really cought my attention so i thought to my self that i should show something maybe a bit older but something that in my eyes is just perfect. So i went onto nizzys profile and I dug up a tune , one of my favorites , specially because it is a kurukuru that i love so much .

I will not go into too much detail as i do not have a lot of time but lets start . The first thing that came onto my mind when i saw this tune was The amazing sv , and the great outline , the shape of it , as well as the shading is superb in my humble opinion . I do not agree on the choice of the rims tho , i understand that the car is a police car but i would see some darker rims being used   rest is just brilliant , everything is done with taste .
The rear and the front are pretty cool too , nothing out of the ordinary , but yet so amazing . the under carrige is looking , really nicely too , giving the car just that one more detail . All of that is packed in a nice border with the Bonsai Team logo .
Thanks for reading and drop a line if you got the time .

1 comment:

  1. Hey brosive, thanks for the kind words (this is nizzy), blog looks pretty nice although so far this is as far as I've gotten. The rim choice was to replicate the local police cars, which use chrome hubcaps as such: [img][/img]
